Monday, October 31, 2005

Hi Werner and Megan!!

Glad I got to speak with ya earlier, nice to hear a friendly voice. Hope your feeling better too!!!

Went trickr treatin tonight with Dawn and her kids. Had fun. Came home went around here. The neighbors are awesome, they were like...aohhhh the little boy across the street, here take a hand ful. I was like thanks....smiled and left. Certain people are snobs here not pointing any fingers like across the street or I am sure they are saying the same about Well, I am pooped. I have a ton to do tomorrow. For one, fix my washer. Dam thing. Hoping to upload some Halloween pics...maybe tomorrow.

Sunday, October 30, 2005


Ok this Daylight savings time is for the freakin' birds. I am beat. Ready for bed but for some reason I can't go. LOL. I am getting depressed as it is Halloween tomorrow but also we have to go to the dentist and get my Son's retainers. I am nervous and scared. I think there are two different ones. well off to bed...

Saturday, October 29, 2005


I put some pics of what we love to eat at our favorite Chinese Restaurant Oriental Express. They have the best spring rolls and egg drop soup. I took a pic of the Spring Rolls..mmm. Then of my Mom eating one, then one of My Mom and "Cookie" is what we call him. Per his request, because he has a oriental name and its hard to pronounce. Isn't he a cutie? Should see his

Then the other pic is of my friends little boy. He moved really fast but you still can his face in the pic. That was cool.

Also adding a pic of my desktop...can you say I love kitties???

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Family Pics.


Only cause I let myself get woke up this morning. OH well, I will live. Its not like I don't sleep or anything. I tried laying down yesterday and people kept calling me or knocking on my door. But when I decide to not lay down, no one bothers me. WTF? Well the cramping is awful today. I am trying to deal with them. Its like they are two months in one. I keep having bad nightmares. Must be a sign that something bad is going to happen. God please no. In other words, I've been getting the feeling from people, not mentioning names cause its not family doing it. But the feeling that I have done something wrong. Or have said something wrong. I Just want to make sure if I have said or done anything wrong, can you have the guts to tell me? Can you tell me that I was out of place? Being on my monthly right now, I am taking little shit seriously cause its really bothering me. I am trying to be a positive person, I am not the smartest person in the world but I am trying. I have come a long way from my divorce and feel that I am better than I was before. So don't try and tell me that I am a bad person. When all I am trying to do is give my personal experiences and thoughts. Because I don't judge all.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Can I feel better now?

I hate cramps, I hate cramps. Wish they would go away. I didn't want to get up this morning. I over slept. Thank god someone had to pee this morning and left the door open where I could hear him. I have a appt. tomorrow afternoon at housing for my yearly. Can't believe it already. I'm stressed. I had to borrow money to buy my Son's Halloween costume. He is going to be a Ninja Turtle...remember them? Ninja Power, Ninja Turtle Power...Go Raphael, Leonardo, can't remember the other I will take Pics of the little monster.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Say Good Morning to Sweet baby AKA Peanut. She is our deaf kitty. She sleeps thru anything, sure wish I could. I love the sunlight on her.

Well hopefully today will be ok for me. Not a good time of month if you know what I mean. As long as no one pisses me off we will be fine. I got pissed this morning about 3am, a certain person started snoring. Well, that wakes me up. Finally after about 45 minutes of listening to him snore I got up and went to the couch. Still could hear him. UGH!!! So I went and layed in bed with my Son. I laid at one end of the bed. When he woke up he goes, what are you doing in here? It was cute. I am getting frustrated with certain things happening around here and I don't know how to handle it. I need a change.

On the other hand, I am going to lay down for a little bit after Jonathan goes to school. I am still tired and with the all the cramping, I just want rest. But I have to run to the store first. Well hope you all have a good day!!!!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Its Nasty out side and cold.

Yesterday wasn't much better, its how we know that Halloween isn't that far though. I got some pics posted from yesterday from the parade. Me being all crazy about the kitties, I am going to take some pics today....cause I want to show my Sister how it works for when she comes over tonight. I took my Niece Kelcee to school this morning for my Sisters Birthday where she didn't have to leave so early. So we decided that I will make Spaghetti tonight and she is bringing the hamburger. MMMM, can't wait. It sounded so good this morning.

Oh and guess what Mom...Dusty found her cord. It was in her bag from Cancun....whooo hooo, I already took the other one back. And she found the cord where you can hook the camera up to the TV. She wants to know how that works too.

Well, not feeling too well today. Yesterday was bad for me.

Friday, October 21, 2005

just had to post it

I gotta new internet provider...

I am trying something new here. Had the cable for awhile and wanted to try something different. So my Mom works for a local internet company and I decided to try the Wireless internet. Its pretty cool. So far. It seems to be faster than the cable. Weird I thought. Oh well, its cool and its cheap. We were paying almost a $100 a month for cable tv and internet. Well, we have to eliminate certain luxuries cause of the financial situation. So off the cable internet and certain cable stations. Darn no more LMN. I'm sad but I will survive. Its just until we get out of this hole we are in.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Originally uploaded by Pookeesmom.
I am sad that its going to be tore down.


Its rainy and cold outside, I am sitting here all bundled up and making a fresh pot of coffee. These are my lazy days. I should of cherished the warm days now. But I stayed inside. And boy do we have leaves in our yard, beautiful red and orange leaves. Our neighborhood is so beautiful. The color is endless. Do you see the tress in the background? That is the hill in our yard and its all red and orange. If I had a digital camera I would of done posted it. LOL. Well not much else to say. Going to play on which by the way I have 3 guest passes that need to be used. Anyone wanting one that hasn't had one let me know. Thanks!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Have you seen my Car Keys?

I don't know what I did with them. I usually put them on the hook, when the hook is empty. I can't remember that last thing I did with them I don't know if they are in the garage or if they are in Mike's car. Nothing I can do right now. Thank god I have a spare key to my car...shit I'd be lost. And what's irritating is I dropped off film at the one hour place at 9:20...and its still not ready. There machine broke down. FUCKERS!!!!!! I am anxious to see the pics I took cause I can't remember what is on there....he he he. I did however pick up a roll of High Definition film, I can't wait to see how those turn out. I also thought about getting a roll of Black and White film...just to see how they turn out too. I just might they are cheap enough there at Walmart. I'm a bargain shopper and only want good deals. I am still in the dinosaur age and using a 35mm camera cause my ass is poor and can't afford a digital camera yet. Give me time. I am doing research on the best cameras. I figure when I do finally buy one, I want a good one. Not a cheapy.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Welcome Monday Madness.

I am in full cleaning mode. Let me tell you, I've been cleaning since 530am. I am just tired of the mess. Every weekend it ends up like a pig sty. And what's messed up about that is, it was just me and Mike. But today, I am cleaning everything I can, put everything that can be put away. Make room for the dryer to come in from the garage. Since the other washer decided to stop working, we brought mine in. Well needless to say, Mine is a Super Capacity and the dry that was here is a Large capacity. Those two don't mix. It takes longer to dry cause I keep I over stuff the dryer. So tonight when the BF gets home we are moving it in. I can't wait. I miss my dryer.

Here is my list to get done:

1. Put all laundry away.
2. Move all crap from landing into the basement.
3. Take dollhouse downstairs since I'm done with it.
4. Vaccum.
5. Watch Days of Our Lives.

I figure if I get it done, I can always add

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Some Awesome Pictures.

Monday, October 10, 2005


Have you ever asked a question in a forum and the response you get isn't what is expected. I specifically asked a question and all I wanted was a simple response and what I got was one response. And someone posts something and she gets praised for her work in the question I had asked for in the beginning. I am irritated. I am hurt. I give praise to these people all the time no matter what. All I wanted was someone else's views of the people who I thought were my friends. I am sure it wasn't intended to be like that but it hurts. I just feel like crawling up in the hole and hiding away from the world. I feel so freakin' sad right now its pitiful. I guess maybe I shouldn't of asked for anyone's opinion.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Call me Ms Suzy Homemaker...

I've been baking for most of the day. I've made Sugar Cookies with help of my Son and My B/F's Daughter. Then I made Fudge....mmmm. Then I made these little Pumpkin Pie Gems by Eagle Brand Premium Dessert Kits. I only found this kit at Walmart and it was only $3 something. And I am trying one right now, and it is delish. Well, not much else to say gonna get the kids ready for bed. Wish me luck...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

I didn't give up on you.

This goes out to Kat, I haven't given up on ya sweetie. I know life throws us some weird shit. And sometimes we don't get time to update and do what we want. I am glad to see you have a smile on your face. Or at least hear about it. I don't think I have ever seen you like this. I know all girlie. Its ok.

Well, not much else to do or say. I added more pics to my Flickr, if you want to be added as a friend let me know. I just feel wary on my family being on the net with no security to protect us it was like letting any sicko look at my pics. So if I know ya, email me at and I will let ya know either way.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

This post isn't directed at anyone in the family..

But I need to post this. I am truly saddened by what has happened.

Hard to describe on what's going on. Without someone taking it the wrong way, I just want someone to know that I honestly care about her and only want her to make the right decision. Which must come from within her heart. That is the only place on where it should come from. Not from someone else telling her about this and that. Instead of making drastic choices and decisions, my honest to god opinion is maybe counseling. I know it sounds bad but it truly isn't. It may help or may not help. And to find out for sure on certain aspects of her life. Running away from a problem doesn't solve it, standing up and facing it is the only way to resolve it, I've learned this thru self learning. I've been in the same boat and know the drastic changes, and feeling lost and devastated afterwards. The feeling of being depressed for weeks at a time. Not eating. But I had to take care of a baby at the time. It was difficult. Not knowing if I made the right choice. It took me years to accept that it was the right thing, even though my heart was telling me different. I just want this person to know that its ok to cry, its ok to be yourself. Its ok to accept who you are. Its ok to love yourself. Because you are a beautiful person. I don't want to see you sad. I don't want to hear that your sad. I want to hear only happy things and that your making the right choice, because as your friend. I will be there for you. I may not accept everything you do or approve. But I respect that your a person with a heart and feelings too. I felt you were making the right choices before by standing up. But I feel as if you sat back down and if you feel that way, I guess that is your choice. I will have to respect that. I won't be able to talk to you as much. I won't be able to see your beautiful smiling face only thru pics. Its hard to accept that you are leaving. I am glad I met you, I am glad we had a fun almost a year. I will cherish every moment we had and will never, ever forget you. You brought Life back into me. I hope you never forget us. We will miss you greatly!!!!

I won't say who this person is, she knows who she is. She is moving back to California in a month and is a great friend to me.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Wanna good laugh?

The Why's of Men

(because they are plugged into a genius)

(they don't have enough time)

(they don't stop to ask directions)

(because their balls fall over their butt-hole and they vapor lock)

(You're laughing, aren't you?!?!)

(so they won't hump women's legs at cocktails parties)

(you need a rough draft before you make a final copy)

(don't never happened)

( C'mon guys, we laugh at your blonde jokes!)

And my personal favorite:

(because a vibrator can't mow the lawn)

Remember, if you haven't got a smile on your face and
laughter in your heart......Then you are just an old sour fart.

Happy Tuesday!

Yeah Just sitting here trying to order pics from W*lgreens online and the bastards cancelled my order from last night. WTF? So I switched to another store. I really want these prints. My Bro's Girlfriend took some really cute pics last night and I would like to print them out. I will post them to my Flickr when I get a chance. This friday is homecoming for the school district of Moline. So that means a parade. And the best part? I can walk to the road where the parade will be. WHOOO HOOO!!! I am only couple of blocks away. I love it.

Well I am enjoying a quiet breakfast alone today, I am having Chorizo and Eggs in tortillas. MMMM. Its my favorite for some reason. Well I have tons to do today.

Here's my to do list:

1. Laundry
2. Dust
3. Clean kitty box
4. Vaccum
5. GO pick up pictures
6. Watch Days of Our
7. Watch
8. Greet the boys coming home from work and school.
9. Decide what's for dinner.
10. Argue with someone...he he he.

Oh and My Son has to have a retainer in his mouth. His teeth are coming in odd. One is pushed forward the other is back. Its only going to cost me $633 for it. UGH!!!!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Welcome to the World G!!!

I belond to Sis 2 Sis Forum and I love it, well one of the girls on the board had her baby Sat. Night. I am so happy for her and her family. I am glad baby G made it into the world alright.

Not much else to say on the homefront, I am home and relaxing. I am watching Lifetime Movie Network. I try to watch it Well, I am going to finish watching the movie that's on.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Nice Quiet Saturday.

I had a wonderful day today. My day started early cause my Son was going to his Dads so we were up early, then after he left we decided to go to Bishop Hill, it was so beautiful. Reminded me of Amana Colonies in Iowa. The town of Bishop Hill is down past Geneseo where my Brother and his Girlfriend live. So after our little walk around the town, I called to see if I could stop by and see my niece and nephew. I don't get to see them much because of my car and of my BF working its kinda hard. I get to see pics but its nothing compared to what I got to do today with them. OMG, I had a blast. I love Kailei so much, she is a little butter ball and laughs. OH, it was priceless. I enjoyed her so much today. And Kylin, let me tell you. He is one smart little cookie. I can tell that his Momma works with him on a daily basis, and I find that awesome. I am so proud of my Nephew...and for his Momma being so good to him. Oh and Lily, she is a cutie. I love her. I took I took pics of Kylin and Kailei sitting on the chair and of Kylin giving her a kiss. I can't wait to see the pics. Thank you Steff for letting us stop and visit. And your house is clean....alot cleaner than mine. SO don't worry about it. Well, for some reason I am pooped, I am going to bed. Just to lay down and get rid of this headache.