Monday, December 19, 2005

I want to go to bed.

I am tired. I enjoyed my evening with my good friend Alysia and her daughter. My Son is coming home tomorrow...yay!!!! I have a crazy kitty licking my toe...oh I hate that. Sick kitty. She is the one that looks up at nothing in the room and freaks me out. Its like something is talking to her. She is the deaf that makes it more eery. I know most of the people I rec'd cards from don't have internet access, but thanks to:

Grandma Leonora
My Sister Dusty
Judy-Thanks for the pic.
Erin D.--Thanks for the pictures
Steffanie--Thanks for the pictures
My landlord
Joyce--Thanksfor the pictures
Mike's Mom

The ladies at Sis 2 Sis: Kim, Sara, Kiera, Jill, Dy, Jess, Joelle, T-girlie, Maria, Leslie

I love Christmas time...keeps me in check with those closest to
If I forgot anyone, I will edit the

Well, I am going to bed...too bad if he don't want me in there yet. I am shit tired.