Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Happy Tuesday!

Yeah right...lol. Just sitting here trying to order pics from W*lgreens online and the bastards cancelled my order from last night. WTF? So I switched to another store. I really want these prints. My Bro's Girlfriend took some really cute pics last night and I would like to print them out. I will post them to my Flickr when I get a chance. This friday is homecoming for the school district of Moline. So that means a parade. And the best part? I can walk to the road where the parade will be. WHOOO HOOO!!! I am only couple of blocks away. I love it.

Well I am enjoying a quiet breakfast alone today, I am having Chorizo and Eggs in tortillas. MMMM. Its my favorite for some reason. Well I have tons to do today.

Here's my to do list:

1. Laundry
2. Dust
3. Clean kitty box
4. Vaccum
5. GO pick up pictures
6. Watch Days of Our Lives.....lol
7. Watch Passions....lol
8. Greet the boys coming home from work and school.
9. Decide what's for dinner.
10. Argue with someone...he he he.

Oh and My Son has to have a retainer in his mouth. His teeth are coming in odd. One is pushed forward the other is back. Its only going to cost me $633 for it. UGH!!!!