Monday, October 24, 2005

Its Nasty out side and cold.

Yesterday wasn't much better, its how we know that Halloween isn't that far though. I got some pics posted from yesterday from the parade. Me being all crazy about the kitties, I am going to take some pics today....cause I want to show my Sister how it works for when she comes over tonight. I took my Niece Kelcee to school this morning for my Sisters Birthday where she didn't have to leave so early. So we decided that I will make Spaghetti tonight and she is bringing the hamburger. MMMM, can't wait. It sounded so good this morning.

Oh and guess what Mom...Dusty found her cord. It was in her bag from Cancun....whooo hooo, I already took the other one back. And she found the cord where you can hook the camera up to the TV. She wants to know how that works too.

Well, not feeling too well today. Yesterday was bad for me.