Monday, December 26, 2005

Just been one of those days.

I took my tree down this morning, couldn't wait to put it away. My cats have destroyed it completely. Ruined all my garland, one strand of lights and busted a few ornaments. ARGH!!!! I stopped for a bit to play Harry Potter with my Son on his gamecube. He loves it. OMG, so addicting. I am addicted. I am so happy for my Son right now, he didn't get exactly what he wanted but at least he appreciates everything he's gotten. Know what I mean? Didn't throw a fit or anything. I am happy, my BF and I got a gift certificate for Los Agave Mexican restuarant. OMG. I love that place. Also got a gift certificate for Chuck E Cheese. NOT. Well off to play Harry Potter again.....its one of those games that irritates you til you get it.