Monday, December 12, 2005

You know what's funny?

I went to my Son's Christmas program, so cute. Well I am watching the 2nd Graders doing their songs, the song ends. This little girl, sticks her fingers in her arms pits, sniffs them and makes a funny face. OMG. I bout fell off my chair. Then, she is playing this instrument that resembles a bell but in the shape of a stick. She's swinging it, and the boy next to her keeps dunking his head. I just thought I'd share that with you. It was too funny. Then there is this couple sitting in front of me with a little boy in kindergarten. He finds his parents, waves, then starts pointing to the girl next to him and tells his Dad to take a picture in sign language while pointing at the little girl. I thought that was cute.

***EDIT*** I just want to set something straight. The last couple of posts have been pretty harsh and straight forward. I've been thru alot this past week or so and have been heavily stressed. Anything that was taken out of context should not have. And its not like I would not have listened to anyone's problems or anything but wanted people to understand the severity of almost losing a loved one. If someone would of talked to me, I would of probably of overlooked it or said something odd. And trust me, it had nothing to do with anyone on here. I just wanted to make myself clear.

Alright with that all said and done. I am sitting here typing and eating dinner. Beddar Cheddars and baked potatoes. Cats are fed. I am just peachy tonight. I want to make Peanut Butter Cookies but haven't totally decided yet. I hope everyone has a great night....