Friday, December 09, 2005

Here is how my day will go.

I will wake up to have to run to the bathroom as my ass is not happy, maybe nerves? I will then argue with my Son to get him dressed, take him to school. Then run up to the hospital, try and find the right waiting room. Maybe the third one we try I will find my Grandpa and my Sister. We will all decide to run and have some of that yummy hospital food. In which we all lay on the salt cause there is absolutely NO taste whatsoever. We will go back down, talk for a little bit. The phone will ring and its the Nurse Mike who is in the operating room, who tells us that so far everything is going ok. I will then leave to find a Iwireless to pick up a phone card, so I can call everyone without listening to the evil message we hear the day our phone expires. I will come home, try to clean before the kids get here. I finish printing Mike's resume out so he can take it to his place where hoepfully he will get a better job. Dusty will bring the kids over and Kyle cries as he is very tired and misses his Mom. Kelcee is here too cause she kept her home. I turn the TV on and guess what? We get to watch Barney....yum yum. I am going to fast forward my day, to when the kids leave so I can return to the hospital to see how my Grandma is doing. And I will get the news that she is perfect and did great. That is how I want my day to go. I don't want to hear anyone's bitching and moaning, I don't want to hear NO complaining. I don't want to argue with anyone. All I want to hear today is, that my Grandma came out of surgery fine. Right now that is all I am concerned about. I don't want to hear anyones problems. I am sorry I sound selfish. There is more to life than the little things. Everyone takes life for granted. We only have one chance to live and if you don't make the most of it, then you will have never of lived. My Grandma has lived a lifetime, she has been the one person besides my Mother who has been my rock and my best friend at times. My Grandma gave me my first cup of coffee when I was little, she got me hooked on Suntea with Sweetner. We used to go yard saleing when I was little. Everything I do, I think of her. Right now, I can't imagine life without her. I feel the same with my Mom. My life would be empty and I would be lost. But I know my Mom would be there to pick me up. At this very moment, she is a on a bypass machine with her precious heart stopped and a machine pumping her blood for her. I only hope God takes her thru this and she lives for another 10 years or so. If God decides to take her, then I will have to accept it and know that she will be in better hands and she will be my Angel looking over me. We just never know what day we will all go to heaven. I can't be selfish and say I want her to live forever and suffer in pain because that is not how we are suppose to live. I know in my heart she is going to be fine. I am sorry if I sound sad, I just wanted to get my feelings out. I don't care who reads this. I may keep it private. Unless your reading