Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Ok fucking note to self.

***NOTE*** Take the lid of a empty cat food can and throw it in the garbage before you do dishes with the lids in the sink. OMG . I sliced my finger to the bone on my thumb on the outside. Its burning really bad. But its only about this II deep, in between the two lines there. Not deep enough for stiches....Thank God!!! All I thought about is the stinging needle they stab into the wound....UGH!!!!!

Its been over an hour now and its still burning. I put Neosporin on it cause it was a can lid and I don't want infection in the finger.

On the other hand, I am in clean mode. I love it. Got 3 loads of laundry done. One on the line, so far all thats dry is put away. Ok that is a fucking miracle in itself. I am going to get the load out of dryer, check the clothes out on the line and get ready for my friend to come over and go thru her clothes that are in tubs in my garage. I am going to talk her into sending them down to The Hurricane Victims, I would wash them and find out where to send clothes too. Wouldn't that be a good idea????