Thursday, August 25, 2005

First day of School.

Today is my Son's first day of school. I am excited but he isn't. He is eating his pop tart and watchin' cartoons before his short day begins. I am happy that he is back in school and ready to conquer 3rd grade. My Little boy is growing up. How scary is that? His Grandma Judy is going to be here when he gets out of school today cause I have to work and I hate asking my own family to watch my Son. So she is going to spend the afternoon with him. He needs to spend more time with her anyway. Hopefully it will be a short day cause of the supposely rain we are suppose to get. See when it rains/thunderstorms we get sent home. I really don't want to go anyways. I'm stressed to the hills right now about work. I think I should talk to my boss about working less days. Cause already next friday there is no school and I have no one to watch my Son while I work. Just like today, I told my work I would be late cause its only an hour of school and I have to make sure he is picked up. That means I get an hour of peace and quiet...whooo hooo!!!!

I wanted to show you what the inside of the tram car looked like. Here is a link, go check it out if you have never been in the Arch before.