Friday, August 26, 2005


Hello, and welcome to my little corner of the world on the WWW. Just a little information for you, when you leave comments and stuff don't use my name whatsoever, this is to protect me from "strange" people reading my blog and telling stories and so forth. My life is as boring as it gets but still. So what if I have the craziest kittens in the world right now, a boyfriend and a wild child. That is me.

Anyhooo, I am sitting here still debating on quitting or not. I am going in today probably to be sent home from the weather again... but bad bad dream before I woke up. That I had just gotten home from the weather being bad and I couldn't get my top off and there was a tornado coming and I was pantless going nuts. I was ballistic. Cause I couldn't find my Son who was at school. Well, I have to get little man dressed for his first full day of school. You know what's funny??? And I will get slammed for this. But the parents that go pyscho over their kids first day of school like in first grade. OMG, it cracks me up. Yes our kids are growing up fast, so get over it and start thinking about college. LOL. Well gotta get dressed for success....NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!