Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I've been hiding...

but not on purpose. So much is happening. When I say so much, that's a understatement. I don't know where to begin or end. I had the greatest thing happen to me but not under the greatest of circumstances. My Grandfather is or was not doing so well last night. He was rushed to the ER, his right side went numb and didn't feel right. They called 911 and got him to the hospital as fast as they could. I do not know the full happenings of what happened but by the time I got back to see him, he was talking fine and looked good. Bit goofy but good. I finally got to tell my Grandpa how much I loved him and missed him. And I said I was sorry for what has happened. But I saw my Grandma first and we hugged and hugged. For a good 5 minutes. It felt soooooo good to give her a hug. I missed her sooo much. I left the hospital feeling good until my Son mentioned that I entered a DO NOT ENTER zone, which was the helicopter pad....OOOPS. My Son mentioned to me, can't you read MOM? Little stinker.

On another note, I've been scrambling to get dinner prepared for Thanksgiving. I have so much to do. Yes I. Me, Myself and I. No one else. I, am cooking the Turkey. I am getting up early and throwing the bird in early, so I know it gets done before everyone arrives. I've got two casseroles to make, a big ole' pan of mashed taters. I still need to get two more aluminum pans, maybe I can talk my Mom into buying some. Ok I asked she is...cool. Alright, I still have cleaning to do tonight. Don't wanna have to worry about it tomorrow. My head hurts.